Bridge Hotel Location
Here are directions to Bridge Hotel for your visit.
Bridge Hotel Location
Here are directions to Bridge Hotel for your visit.
Address and Contact Information
Address | - Road address | 233, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, South Korea |
- Land address | 10-2 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, South Korea | |
Main phone number | 032-717-0700 |
Traffic guidance
Subway 지하철
Incheon Subway Line 1
Exit at Incheon National University Station → Exit 1
(1-minute walk from Exit 1 of
Incheon National University Station)
Bus 버스
Airport bus 6777
Exit at Incheon Startup Park bus stop
→ 9-minute walk (428 m)
or take Express Bus 16-1
/ 58 to Incheon National University Station
bus stop (2-minute walk)
M6405 Express Bus
Exit at Central Park Station bus stop
→ Transfer to Express Bus 91
→ Exit at Incheon National University Station
bus stop (5-minute walk)
Express Bus 8, 16, 16-1, 58
Exit at Incheon National University Station
bus stop (1-minute walk)
Car 자가용
Navigation : Search for
"Bridge Hotel Incheon Songdo"
Address Search : Enter "233 Convensia-daero"
or "10-2 Songdo-dong, Incheon"
Address and Contact Information
Address | - Road address | 233, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, South Korea |
- Land address | 10-2 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, South Korea | |
Main phone number | 032-717-0700 |
Subway 지하철
Incheon Subway Line 1 : Exit at Incheon National University Station → Exit 1
(1-minute walk from Exit 1 of Incheon National University Station)
BUS 버스
Airport bus 6777 : Exit at Incheon Startup Park bus stop → 9-minute walk (428 m)
or take Express Bus 16-1 / 58 to Incheon National University Station bus stop
(2-minute walk)
Express Bus M6405 : Exit at Central Park Station bus stop → Transfer to Express Bus 91
→ Exit at Incheon National University Station bus stop
(5-minute walk)
Express Bus 8, 16, 16-1, 58 : Exit at Incheon National University Station bus stop
(1-minute walk)
Car 자가용
Navigation : Search for "Bridge Hotel"
Address Search : Enter "233 Convensia-daero" or "10-2 Songdo-dong, Incheon"