Business Lounge

Take advantage of the convenient service space, the "Business Lounge," offering 24-hour access to business support facilities

Business Lounge 

Our space is equipped with digital business support facilities to ensure seamless work operations. Accessible 24/7, the facilities include PCs, copying, printing, scanning, faxing, 

and both wired and wireless internet, providing 

an all-in-one service for all your business needs. 

6th Floor,
Business Lounge
Hours of Operation 24 Hours

Business Lounge

Take advantage of the convenient service space, the "Business Lounge," 
offering 24-hour access to business support facilities

6th Floor, Business Lounge
Hours of Operation
24 Hours

Business Lounge

Our space is equipped with digital business support facilities to ensure seamless work operations. 

Accessible 24/7, the facilities include PCs, copying, printing, scanning, faxing, and both wired and 

wireless internet, providing an all-in-one service for all your business needs.